This coffee is produced in two coffee cooperatives that bring together more than 240 families from the NASA WE'SX community, in the Planadas and Gaitania regions. Each farmer owns about 2 or 4 hectares. These regions are protected lands for these indigenous peoples, with more than 6,000 trees per hectare.
This coffee has been decaffeinated at the Decaf factory located in Manizales, Colombia, using the Sugar Cane Decaf process. This decaffeination process involves extracting caffeine using ethyl acetate, which comes from sugar cane.
Good to know: the coffee is certified organic before decaffeination. Then, as the sugar cane that provides the ethyl acetate is not, certification cannot be achieved. In the laboratory, we conducted analyses and found no trace of pesticides.
Species : Arabica
Varieties : Colombia, Red Caturra, Castillo, Typica
Process : Nature
Drying : Marquesinas
Altitude : 1700- 2000
Harvest type : Manual
Roasting: Medium +
Aromatic notes : chocolate, honey, almond, fresh